Thursday 19 January 2012


The chickens are normally locked up these days, as they can’t be trusted not to make a beeline for the veg patch.  The foxes also seem to get extra hungry at this time of the year and even grabbed a one from under our noses last year, but if I’m out in the garden for a while in the afternoon I let them out.  Hens love to bathe in dust and the ground is too soggy everywhere at the moment to make dust.  Everywhere except one place - under the conifers at the edge of the garden.  Don’t ever try to grow anything near the base of a line of conifers - when we’re knee deep in mud here, it will always be a dust bowl - even the most tenacious weeds don’t bother trying to grow under its shadow.  But it is hen bath heaven there and although they make a huge mess fluffing out earth all over the place, it makes me smile.  You can just tell that they really love it.

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