Monday 23 January 2012


It’s been a miserable Monday morning so far - I think this day in January is called ‘Suicide Monday’, when everyone realises they have no money (or hope, or both) left.  I’ve been trying to come up with a new look for myself - something recognisable as Hornbrook Manor Farm.  It costs a lot to commission someone to come up with a logo, or look, so I’ve been doing what I always do and doing it myself (which also explains why my home-made website is so slow and quirky).  I call it the infinite monkey game (you know - where there's an infinite number of monkeys, all typing  infinitely away and eventually one of them will produce the works of Shakespeare), except that I’m the only monkey and not infinite, but I am prepared to bash away at something that I have no idea how to do, until it’s just about acceptable.  Or not ...  I’ll keep bashing.

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