Thursday 5 January 2012



Sometimes I can see the claws of the mole, busily piling up its latest hill and occasionally I’ve seen its whiskery pink-tipped nose poking out, but mainly we just see where it’s been - and it’s been EVERYWHERE.  I might collect up the earth from the hills, as it makes wonderful ready sifted potting compost, but it is also making a complete mess of every patch of grass in the vicinity.  Apparently they only tunnel madly  when they’re trying to impress the opposite sex - creating palatial mole abodes beneath our feet n the hope of luring lady moles. It’s probably just as well that they're rather shy, as I’m going off the little beasts...


I have been late in my seed sorting this season.  Normally I sift through my packets and make my list between Christmas and the New Year.  There are quite a few things that we can start thinking about sowing soon - under cover in a heated greenhouse, or on the windowsill as it’s still much too cold to sow directly into the garden.  Light levels are increasing, but  not quite enough yet.  If you have any packets of seeds left from last year, they should still be viable.  Most seeds last longer than the sell-by date on the packet, the exception being carrots and parsnips, which are best sown fresh each year.

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