Tuesday 24 January 2012



Fresh new shoots in dark earth must stir something primordial in some of us.  Those first stirrings of growth do more to shake off a lingering winter depression than any pills - or is it just me?  I’m having problems sowing peas, or rather, problems with things eating peas - mice go mad for peas and beans and can sniff them out wherever they’ve been planted.  I’m thinking of sowing mine in a lead casket, as they’ve penetrated everything else.  It must have been a very long winter for wildlife, as crops that aren’t usually touched by pests are being attacked.

If you don’t normally grow anything form scratch do try it.  It’s exciting to
see seeds germinating, growing and eventually doing what they should - whether that’s giving you armfuls of flowers, bumper crops of edibles, or a little bit of each.  Look on the website  to see what I’m sowing this year.

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