Tuesday 21 February 2012


Shrove Tuesday coincides with our hens cranking up to maximum lay, as the light comes back and they feel the urges of the season.  There are many things I could give up for Lent, but eggs are definitely not one of them, in fact we have to have pancakes every day - today on Shrove Tuesday - and for the foreseeable future.  At some point the pure-breeds will decide to go broody, but broodiness has been bred out of the hybrids, so they just keep on laying heroically, day in day out.

Alpines are among my favourite plants - they’re so tiny and so perfect -  just imagine them in flowering on the mountainsides as the snow melts (the hills are alive with a carpet of alpines ...)  They come in such lovely colours too - all the shades of Easter, although these might be over by the time it comes this year.

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