Thursday 2 February 2012


We participated in the Big Garden Bird Watch this weekend (see   Our efforts were nearly spoiled by Carmelita the hen who came marauding over to the bird table - “She is a big bird and she’s in our garden.” said Alice.  “I’m sure it counts, I’ll put her down in the box marked moorhen.”
Perhaps I’ll go back to doing the watch on my own next year.

If, like me you have lots of garden jobs to do, but you’re finding it hard to get out there, don’t despair; I have a plan.  Wait for a nice sunny day, bake a cake and hide it, then force yourself to go outside for at least 2 hours before coming in to put the kettle on and unearth the cake.  Shame on you if you just eat the cake without working outside for it, and double shame if you don’t even bother to bake the cake.  Motivation is a tricky subject.

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