Monday 4 July 2011


I love kale - the look of it, the taste of it and the fact that, for a member of the fussy and temperamental brassica family, it’s incredibly easy to grow.   I’m sure it would prefer the rich, firm soil that cabbages and the like need, but it will put up with less comfortable conditions, the pests that make a beeline for the other similar crops seem to leave the kale alone (or at least, until last), despite it being very nutritious.  Add to that the fact that it will withstand the coldest of winters, not bolt in these very dry days and it seems near to the perfect vegetable.  The downside is that not many in my family will eat it.  I am on a kale crusade at the moment though and will try my best in the next few months to convert them - I’m going to have to, as most of the veg patch has been given over to it...

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