Sunday 19 June 2011


Freshly podded peas are such a treat that we eat them for pudding - they’re sweet enough, but only if you eat them straight away, before the sugars turn to starch.   Do try to grow some peas if you can. I find them tricky to start off because the mice go mad for them here - so I have to seal them into a seed tray with a propagator lid tightly on.  Once they’ve germinated and grown a few leaves, I plant them out, zig-zagging the rows and supporting them with twiggy peas sticks (or canes and pea netting). If your life’s too short to pod peas,  the alternative is to grow sugar snaps, or mange touts and eat the whole pod.   Successionally sow for a long season of pea picking.

We are overwhelmed with salad leaves at the moment - mainly because I sow far too many and can’t help making patterns with all the different varieties.  Sadly Heidi the rabbit died earlier in the month and can’t help us finish them.  Lettuce is another thing to sow in succession, as it tends to bolt (run to seed) in hot, dry weather.  Finding the time to keep sowing, planting out, weeding and harvesting is hard, but at least the nights are light for a long time.....

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