Thursday 7 July 2011



Egged on by a friend at the Wealden Times fair (“What’s six pounds for a bit of excitement?” she said to tip me into my purse) I bought some fertilised eggs and popped them under our broody hen. We placed bets on how many would be cockerels (there must be a natural law that guarantees more males than females, which is decidedly unfair in the chicken world).  Twenty one days after purchase five little heads poked out from under their stepmum’s feathers.  They are very cute, but it’s hard to catch them for a cuddle as their mum flies at us with much maternal flapping and squawking when we go near.  It’s too early to tell what sex they are yet, so we’re saved from the cockerel question for the moment.

Even more exciting, but at considerably more expense than £6, is the  imminent arrival of Meg’s puppies.  Our chocolate Labrador is due to give birth on 27th July.  My excitement is tinged with a little trepidation, as I’m her birthing partner and it will be the first time for both of us.  Let’s hope she’s not as fiesty as the mother hen over her babies when they come...

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