Wednesday 16 March 2011



This seems to be turning into a chicken blog, not a gardening one – sorry.  I promise this will be the last thing for a while about chickens, I just thought you might like to see the  eggs our young hens have started laying.  They are Cream Legbars and lay pale geen/blue eggs.  The other interesting thing about them is that they can be sexed on hatching so we were able to buy them as day old chicks, pop them under a broody hen and not have to worry that any would be cockerels.  They have been living in the wendy house with Heidi the rabbit, but have started to lay their eggs in her bedroom when she’s  out and about in the garden.  Easter is early this year, but Heidi is a grumpy old rabbit, not the Easter bunny and doesn’t take kindly to finding eggs in her bed, so it’s time for them to move into the orchard with the other chickens. 


I really enjoy keeping hens.  They are good at pest control and look pretty in the garden.  Unfortunately they’re also good at scratching up plants, eating crops and making a mess...

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