Tuesday 8 March 2011


At this time of the year when there’s nothing much growing in the garden to harvest (thanks to the never-ending slugfests and pigeon parties this winter we don’t have a shred of cabbage or kale left) leeks are such a versatile ingredient.  I find myself putting them in everything  (risotto, chicken pie, pasta bake, soup....) and for Shrove Tuesday supper this evening into savoury pancakes; basically leek and bacon in a white sauce rolled in a pancake and toped with a little tomato sauce (not Heinz) and lots of grated cheese. Baked in the oven until the cheese bubbles and starts to crisp.  Flipping good.

I sow my leeks (usually Musselburgh and  Blue Solaise - both heritage varieties and very reliable and you can collect the seed to sow next year) as early as possible  (around now) in pots to plant out next month - when they’re like thick blades of grass. (I once sowed them directly out in the garden and lost them - because they looked like blades of grass).  then I do that peculiar thing of digging them up once they’re pencil thick and replanting into much deeper holes to extend the white part.  It’s a bit of work, but worth it for such a reliable crop.

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