Tuesday 22 March 2011



The potatoes (varieties: International Kidney, Charlotte - earlies and Pink Fir Apple) have been happily chitting in a light, frost free environment (chitting means sprouting, like those neglected ones in the bottom of the fridge sometimes do) Now they’re ready to plant out in the veg patch.  Plant with the ‘rose’ end uppermost (the bit with the most shoots).  Sam has been most intrigued (the picture is for him)  The shoots are fragile and are easily knocked off -- “Mummy, your potato’s arm has fallen off!” - don’t worry if this happens, some people even rub off a couple to get fewer, but larger potatoes.  I have never purposefully done it, so can’t comment on the relative merits, but I guess I should experiment one day.


Is it my imagination, or are the crocuses bigger and bolder this year?
Perhaps it’s because spring’s been slow in coming and I’m just really pleased to see them - greeting them like children I’ve not seen for a while - “My, how you’ve grown!”

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