Monday 7 February 2011



We shall be incorporating that lovely pile of mushroom compost ( into some of the vegetable beds, as long as it doesn’t snow.  

It has certainly got very cold again, but I am beginning to sow some seeds.  So far I’ve done broad beans, pepper, tomatoes, celery and some half hardy annuals.  If it’s too cold not much will germinate, but crops that like long, hot (mediterranean-style) summers need to be started off early so that the fruit has time to ripen before the autumn.  So basically tomatoes, aubergines, peppers (inc chilies), melons.  I’ll be sowing lots more in the next few weeks.

It’s good to be in the garden again, but I’m a little daunted by how much there is to do.  It’s been months since I’ve been able to do anything, The freezing/wet weather have made conditions very difficult in the garden, but fortunately the soil in the veg patch is light and workable - I know that isn’t the case for many who have to garden on heavy clay.  There’s no point trying to dig or plant in claggy, wet soil, so if your soil is clay, wait for conditions to warm up.

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