Saturday 12 February 2011


The heap of compost I was going to be spreading today is barely visible through the snow.  I hear there’s no snow anywhere else in the country (they must think we’re making it up down here).  I was determined to be outside this morning though as it was gloriously sunny, so I cleaned out Heidi the rabbit’s house and hutch (she must think it’s her birthday).

I am going to carry on sowing seeds regardless, as for all we know it could be lovely and warm in a couple of weeks - you never know.  I might keep them in the garden room, instead of the greenhouse though.  the important thing with seeds, once they’ve germinated, is to give them enough light so that they don’t become etiolated (spindly and weak).  If you are sowing seeds and putting the pots on a window-sill, turn it regularly - make sure the light levels are high, but not in scorching sun, or they will shrivel up.

The chickens are less than impressed with the weather and are refusing to come out.  Poor old Snowflake is back out with them (she’s the white one with the black markings), after a complicated transition involving free-range days and nights in the utility room.  When she finally went back in with the others she had lost her place in the pecking order and was attacked, so I had to isolate the bullies for a bit to sort things out.  Just call me the chicken whisperer...

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