Tuesday 14 August 2012


The plant featured in the photo (with the purple flowers) is an Aubergine.  It makes a great decorative plant regardless of it’s edible properties.  I’ll be making Aubergine Gratin from these, if they come to anything, that is.  The problem with tender fruiting veg like aubergines, peppers and tomatoes is that they take a long time to ripen in our climate.

There are more flowers than vegetables in my veg patch ('Is there anything to eat in here at all?' says my husband).  Nasturtiums are cascading in great orange heaps; marigolds and Verbena bonariensis seedlings are popping up everywhere and Crocosmia has crept into all the corners.  I love it, but admit that it’s all getting  a bit out of hand.  I’m trying to be ruthless, thinning them out to make way for new crops for next season.  

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