Friday 13 July 2012

The insects in the garden are in a frenzy of activity, collecting nectar and pollen and generally making honey while the sun shines.  The constant low hum of their busy buzzing and the delicate fluttering of the butterflies is so delightful and uplifting that it makes me not care about all the jobs I should be getting on with.


There are certain plants that are real magnets for the nectar seekers.  The bees love Lavender, while the butterflies are flocking to the Hebes (“Great Orme” is the one pictured).  Verbena bonariensis seems to be the plant that all the insects find irresistible.  If you want to attract butterflies and bees into your garden it’s best to choose single flowered plants rather than frilly double blooms and sterile cultivars.  An infertile plant has no need for nectar or pollen.

Some more good plants for a nectar bar:
Most herbs when in flower
And nearly all wild plants

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