Friday 29 April 2011


The picture above is Exochorda ‘The Bride’, a slow growing, stiffly branched shrub that is forced to grow in almost permanent dry shade in my garden.  it struggles, but still manages to bloom.  So I add insult to injury and grow a clematis through it too.  Treat ‘em mean - and they often die, but not in this case.  Philadelphus ‘The Bride’ will be flowering in a few weeks too and while it’s in flower it is glorious - blooms not unlike the Exochorda and with a heavenly scent - but for the rest of the year it’s a complete shambles.  It is forgiven because the blossom redeems it - but only just...


I’m really enjoying the hedgerow scene at the moment.  the Hawthorn is looking wonderful in the sunshine - except where we’ve trimmed the hedges tightly  in the winter - I like a blossomy hedge, but the hedge trimmer likes it clipped and crisp, but at least he agrees not to cut them until all the nesting birds have moved out.

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