Tuesday 31 January 2017

Grow your own bird food

Feed the birds by growing plants that will attract insects and then later on produce berries and seeds to help them through the winter. Verbena bonariensis, poppies, wildflowers and nectar rich Sedums, Hebes, Agastache.


Saturday 21 January 2017

Winter birds

I have to pay back the birds for their pest control services and also I feel so sorry for them - the ground is frozen, the berries have all been eaten and spring is still a long way off. Great garden bird watch  https://ww2.rspb.org.uk/

Friday 13 January 2017

Talking of frost

Seed heads (Phlomis russeliana) and grasses (Calamagrostis 'Karl Foerster) are hard to beat on frosty days. Best when planted where the low winter sun can back light them or make extra sparkle.

Thursday 12 January 2017

Seed sorting

I should be tidying up after Christmas and sorting other things, but somehow, as soon as the last decoration comes down, I feel a pressing need to audit my seed collection. The rattling of seed packets is a great comfort in the depths of winter (especially when they arrive in the post - it's like another Christmas). Some seed needs to be sown fresh and won't store well, but in general if you keep seeds in a cool, dark place and they should be viable fro a lot longer than it says on the packet.

Sunday 8 January 2017

Kale and hearty

Dark green leaves are packed full of vitamins and antioxidants so Cavolo Nero must be brimming over with them. It's such a good vegetable to grow over the winter too. Mine gets swamped by whitefly in the summer (protect with gauzy netting), but in the winter nothing touches it - not even the frost; in fact cold weather seems to make it taste better. 

At this time of the year you can use it shredded and steamed with leftover Stilton, walnuts, cream and a bit of lemon for a simple pasta sauce. When using as a side dish, steam then sauce gently with butter and orange zest.  I often add it to soups - any old soup, but for a sensible recipe, see below or visit http://wealdentimes.co.uk/recipes/wt179/healthy-courses-for-a-guilt-free-feast/kale-and-hearty-detox-soup.php). 


New gardening course starting March: http://www.hornbrookmanor.co.uk/site/COURSE_2017.html

Sunday 1 January 2017

Gardening course for 2017

Putting things together for the new gardening course is making me feel that spring is close. I'm filled with hope and plans - and pacing up and down like a caged tiger at the window. Only January and February and part of March to go then... 
