Tuesday 23 August 2016

Keeping the show on the road

Many plants have given up by late summer, but there are a few that will keep  going from June until November, without any deadheading or cutting back. Low growing Geranium ‘Rozanne’ flowers in an endless sprawl and tall, wiry Verbena bonariensis is a magnet for butterflies - and then birds once it finally sets seed.

For details of courses visit
01233 861149

Sunday 14 August 2016

Hello Sunshine


It may be too late to grow Sunflowers from scratch, but they’re a great cut flower and will last a good while
in a vase. ‘Russian Giant’ is the classic tall yellow flower, but there are some dazzling alternatives around. 
You can even sow the seed sold as bird food - there’ll be enough in a bag to grow a field full. 

Saturday 13 August 2016

Second chances

Many of the classic cottage blooms are fading now, but here’s a drastic way to get 
them back. Cut early summer perennials like Geraniums, Lupins and Delphiniums 
right down to the ground once they’ve finished flowering. They’ll soon put on some 
fresh new growth, and with any luck, by the end of the summer they’ll be blooming again.

Contact Jo Arnell for border designs
and garden advice: 01233 861149
