Tuesday 28 January 2014


We’re being attacked on all sides by pesky little creatures at the moment.  The moles have now dug so many tunnels I’m worried that the house might start sinking - and we have had an invasion of mice.  They are sweet little fieldmice and Alice is very fond of them, so we have to put down humane traps (except when she’s not looking).  They go back to the fields in spring (stopping at my greenhouse on the way to eat all the early peas), but until then we’re at war.

Not much is happening in the veg patch, but I’m still able to harvest a few hardy crops.  there are plenty of leeks, lots of kale, a few miserable sprouts (no-one wants to eat those now) and lots of oriental mustard, which is much hardier than it looks.  Growth slows almost to a standstill at this time of the year, but as the light levels increase, if we get even a few days of warmer weather, it will start up again.