Sunday 29 September 2013


I’m very proud of this ‘Romanesco’ cauliflower, but have to say that the plants took up an enormous amount of space in the veg patch and were beacons for the cabbage white butterflies - another thing that’s flourished this year.  It tastes (and in fact is) more like brocolli and was almost universally accepted by the family, but only because of the shape.  I’ve been feeding the stalks and leaves to the chickens - they are wildly appreciative, but I’ll only grow it again if space allows.

Monday 2 September 2013


If you have got some space - either in the veg patch in the border, try to make room for some cut flowers.  Annuals like sunflowers, cosmos and dill (yes, I know it’s a herb, but it is great as a filler - try fennel too, esp if you prefer the smell...) are easy to grow and dahlias are reliable if you take a little care to protect them from frost over the winter.  I find it really hard to deplete my borders of blooms, but having a space to grow flowers just for that purpose makes it really enjoyable.  Home grown flowers make lovely gifts for friends and family and will save you money too,


We have 2 huge old apple trees in our orchard that have never been pruned - I keep meaning to but each year I can’t quite face it and they look lovely when they’re covered with apples.  This year the early eating one (pictured) is completely weighed down with bright red fruits -
like a wonderful apple studded curtain.  These early to ripen eating apples won’t store though, so we must use them all up as quickly as possible.  If you have the same problem, remember that they freeze well, if peeled, sliced and lightly cooked.  Arduous, but worth it.