Thursday 28 June 2012


I haven’t grown sorrel before; this is sorrel ‘Blood veined’ which is pretty enough for the borders (but don't, it's quite invasive).  The young leaves are the ones to eat; tasting sharp (I want to say lemony, but it’s not quite that). It makes a good tangy salad ingredient, goes well with chicken and maybe fish.

The first harvests are ready in the veg patch - new potatoes, early carrots , salad and beetroot.  All my peas have been eaten by baby squirrels this year - they climb the plants and carefully extract the peas, leaving the empty pods dangling as a forlorn taunt.   They’re pesky and I want to shoot them, but instead I just haven’t planted any more peas.  Controlling pests is the biggest challenge in a productive garden - I will happily squash caterpillars and even cabbage white butterflies, but I can’t deal with them when they’re cute and furry.